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Here you will find all the New Arrivals of cosmetics that we have chosen for you. Believe us, sometimes it is not easy to find exactly what we are looking for, but when it happens our joy is double because we know that you will fall in love with it as much as we do.


All the shampoo, conditioners and hair creams that you will find here have been selected by our team with the most objective opinion.They are specially designed for those of you who does not want only a natural hair care routine, but also care about the enviroment. We present the "SOLIDS" shampoo.They are fantastic and are the latest #zerowaste tendest,...


Mirror my little mirror… how to take care of my face today?

With the best active ingredients given by nature, without harsh chemicals in their list of ingredients. At MIMØΣΑ we suggest care routines for your face that you had never imagined. Perfumes, colors, textures, purity, health, hydration ... you will find them...


What we believe and you should believe, too, is that your beauty can shine without the need for chemicals, and why also allow chemicals to stray you from naturalness. With us you will discover exactly what suits you best, what will provide you in your daily needs for shine and glow including 100% natural products, the best possible effect for you.


There are few cosmetic canons that we follow faithfully: The sunscreen.

But we admit, sometimes we forget it. It is the basic essential, especially when you live in a country where the sun is everywhere and you enjoy it all year round.

No cosmetic is more anti-aging than your sunscreen.

The skin has a memory, which is why any negative...


Highly discussed, coveted, well-worked, well-traveled, well-worn, well-loved and versatile… Everything, a lot. I'm obviously talking about the best, of the best. What you chose to try, to experiment, to make your own and in the end to make them part of your daily life and to love them. Experience MIMØΣΑ's BEST SELLERS!


Dear body… I love you!

Your body is the most sacred you have on you and your skin, the largest in size, human organ! It supports you, comforts you, and exposes you to protect yourself from invisible enemies. So at MIMØΣΑ, in order to remember what it does for us, we "renew our vows daily with our bodies".


Nutricosmetics means self-care from the inside. For the care of the skin, nails, hair, for nutritional support and the balance of the microbiome. Here you will find pure, highly concentrated ingredients for your daily care routine. Collagen vegan, antioxidants, flavonoids and adaptatoges herbs in unique premium products.

Inside and Out


Skin Rituals wake up our skin, provides it with strength, vibrant energy, detox, moisture and essential nutrients, protects it from harmful environmental influences throughout the day.

Here you may find special premium tools to work-up with your skin, to enjoy it, to treat it, to relax it and fill your spiritual wellness. This Skin rituals benefits your...


When you feel good inside, you feel good outside. Another cliche? But that's how it is.


We are opening a new category at MIMØΣA. We want to talk about sexual well-being, we want to be in control of pleasure literally in our hands. It is healthy, it is asserted, it is a means of sharing, its independence, its care, and its freedom for ourselves....


I want to smell good! Because the scent is the first impression, the first and also the last one that we leave behind, It is love, alchemy, it is a relationship that you share with people around. That's why we want to take care of our aroma so much. Nothing awakens our memory like a scent. Enter and Smell.


Wellness.... At home means calm!

Supply yourself (body, mind, soul) and your home, with must have products, for more than a moment of relaxation, organization and comfort.

Long live Eu Zhen

Gift Cards

The perfect gift does not exist… If you have reached this philosophical impasse it is because you can not end up somewhere. We make it easy. We dispel your clouds of doubt with a Gift Card for your loved ones. It is not impersonal at all. We will make sure it reaches his hands or his/her Inbox. Challenge us


Dry Brushing. An essential, energizing skin-detox step for your skin.
Have you ever tried Dry brush? You will feel the difference in just 7 days if you add this holistic treatment to your routine.
Sensitive or sensitised skin? We explain the difference.
We explain how to correctly recognize the signals your skin sends and how to take care of it effectively.
How does menopause affect hair?
Meryl Streep lets her hair down in the movie Out of Africa. Are you aware of these menopausal changes and how to deal with them in the best way?