If you are tired of not being able to do anything with your oily or dull hair ... we have good news: Modesta Cassinello is coming to give the solution with help how not? the sea.
It is the best-selling product at Modesta Cassinello, H07 Shampoo with Sea Salt. A treatment obtained by evaporating sea water, novel and unique, to cleanse and balance your scalp. In addition to providing light and body to your hair, it keeps it clean for longer.
The truth is that even for us it is something very new, I had never encou...
If you are tired of not being able to do anything with your oily or dull hair ... we have good news: Modesta Cassinello is coming to give the solution with help how not? the sea.
It is the best-selling product at Modesta Cassinello, H07 Shampoo with Sea Salt. A treatment obtained by evaporating sea water, novel and unique, to cleanse and balance your scalp. In addition to providing light and body to your hair, it keeps it clean for longer.
The truth is that even for us it is something very new, I had never encountered it before. Although there are other cosmetics on the market that contain sea salt, we have never seen or touched a shampoo with such a composition and texture.
It's weird, yes. It 's authentic, too. H07 adds something extra to the basic bathing routine in the most natural way - like an exfoliating and cleansing mask together.
For those who need, from time to time, a deep cleansing of their hair and scalp. It works very well on oily hair, on thin hair with oily roots, on those who use finishing products, are exposed to pollution and, in general, on those whose hair needs extra care.
How frequent to use it?
Once a week or every fifteen days-, to leave the hair clean and lightweight. It depends on everyones nesesity. It is pure pleasure and revolution!
Contains salt crystals obtained by evaporation of seawater. Also one of its active moisturizing ingredients (saccharide isomer), 100% natural and this in turn provides softness, helps exfoliate, strengthen and reduce itching. A delicate aroma of light and fresh herbs accompanies the cleansing ritual.
Υπόσχεται αυτό που λέει, αφήνει τα μαλλιά μου πολύ, πολύ καθαρά. Χρησιμοποιώ αυτό το σαμπουάν εδώ και αρκετούς μήνες. Είναι υπέροχο. Το καλύτερο και έχω δοκιμάσει αρκετά. Ευχαριστώ, δεν θα μπορούσα να είμαι πιο ικανοποιημένος
¨Όταν διάβασα πως πρέπει να το χρησιμοποιήσω σκέφτηκα πως θα χρειαστώ αρκετό προϊόν για τα μακριά μαλλιά μου. Ε λοιπόν αυτό που προτείνουν στην Mimosa σαν ποσότητα, ένα νόμισμα των πέντε λεπτών είναι υπέραρκετό για να κάνει πλούσιο αφρό και η μαγεία... να αποκαλυφθεί. Φανταστικό άρωμα και απίστευτη αίσθηση καθαριότητας και πολυτελούς περιποίησης στο σπίτι!
Ευχαριστούμε για τα λόγια σου! Ένα σαμπουάν που μας έχει κλέψει - όπως και σένα - την καρδία.